Plan of Action: Covid-19
A message from our Management
Dear Valued Guests:
The top priority at Splash Summit Waterpark is the safety and well-being of our guests and staff. We continue to monitor and follow the guidance of federal, state and local officials regarding COVID-19. Opening day is coming and we want you to rest assured that when it does, we are adhering to safety and sanitation guidelines set forth by Utah County Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as industry best practices. While we are NOT limiting park capacity, we are encouraging social distancing.
The CDC states: “Proper operation, maintenance and disinfection (e.g. with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or deactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.”
Precautionary measures to help increase our focus of cleanliness at the waterpark include:
- Before entering the waterpark, guests and employees will be checked for symptoms such as a fever (100.4 or higher), cough, trouble breathing, sore throat, muscle aches and pains, and sudden changes in smell or taste.
- We will be providing hand sanitizer stations for individuals at entrances, exits and throughout the park (Guest are encouraged to sanitize and wash their hands frequently.)
- Cleaning staff has been significantly increased and is regularly disinfecting high-touch areas (door handles, buttons/switches, handrails, restroom surfaces.)
- Implementing social distancing measures in queue lines, concession areas, bathrooms, tube rental and all areas of the parks.
- Signs will be posted outside of the gate, near the wave pool, and other areas in the park reminding guests to stay 6 feet apart.
- Chairs around the wave pool will be placed in groups of 6 and then separated by 6 feet.
- Symptom checking in public and business interactions.
- Screening employees frequently to maintain healthy environment for staff and customers.
- Implementation of face coverings for food staff (To limit exposure, we will also be selling pre-packaged foods that do not require onsite preparation.)
- As a general rule, we also encourage guests to avoid contact with high-touch surfaces, including handrails, unless necessary.
We ask that guests who are immunocompromised or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 to stay home. For a more comprehensive view of our health plan, please visit Adjustments to these procedures may be forthcoming as health recommendations change.
Splash Summit Waterpark is staying abreast of any changes in the current situation through daily updates from the CDC and the Utah County Health Department. We value each guest who visits our park and hope these measures give you confidence that we are taking necessary precautions in this evolving situation. We remain committed to providing you and your family with a safe, clean and fun environment. We look forward to helping your family create fun and special memories this summer!
Splash Summit Waterpark Management